Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Day 1

Yesterday his was fairly quiet on the ride home. He sat on my lap for a while then slept in his crate. Everyone loved him! When we got home he instantly took up he job of official havoc creator. Tipping over the garbage, chewing stuff, stealing food and paper and leashes and socks and blankets....haha. First thing we worked on was eye contact. I had his chew toy and held it with my arm fully extended to the side. He laid down instantly [good boy!] and stared at the toy for a second or two then looked at me! I gave him the toy. Now, when he wants food or a toy, he looks at my eyes. Today we were just free shaping with a box. He hasn't got the hang of it completely but he was putting feet on the box, even his hind feet. Watching him crawl under chairs and desks, jump unto the couch, weave through furniture to get to where he wants to, etc, he obviously knows how to use his body! Great puppy! At first I was freaked out because he would not respond to my voice and was being insane. But after I got some treats and toys out and started showing him my expectations for his behaviour in the house, he was an apt pupil. =]
I'm over all very pleased with this puppy. He will sleep within 10 minutes of being crated. He was screaming a little at first last night, but I put a towel over his crate and he stopped, haha. Flick loves him and Li is kinda miffed.....I think it is a PyreShep thing. Li is very possessive of me and isn't going to share until he and the puppy have a relationship.
Anyway, I'm very happy with this dog! Mom, Dad, Grandpa, siblings, everyone loves him!

1 comment:

  1. CONGRATS on the new puppy! He was my favorite from that litter and he is gorgeous. Sounds like GREAT work on the eye contact!
