Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Day 2

This is the first entry for day two. I'll probably end up with 4 or 5 today but I'll keep them in the same blog post.
First session. I put down a box. We are getting good at putting our front feet on the box, but it isn't solid yet. After a minute or two, I took away the box and we just free shaped. I can see the beginning of 3 separate behaviors. They all start in the "down" position. One is crawling backwards, which he offered himself spontaneously. The other is scratching the ground with a back paw, which is probably the first thing he ever offered for me. And the last one is a variation of the second, but instead of scratching the ground, he moves his back paw out really far behind him [one leg at a time]. I'm excited because hopefully that will help with rear foot targeting when we get to it.
Second session went almost the same as the first.
I had Driver's Ed 4-6 but when mom came to pick me up to take me to my grandma's house [she was having a valentine's party for the grandkids] she brought Zap! So he got to meet my grandparents, my aunt, and my 2 year old cousin. I took him for a walk around the block but he wasn't too impressed with the two vehicles that passed. us. Li was like this at first but I just kept walking and ignored him when he threw a fit and he eventually grew out of it. But I would rather have a dog that is wary of cars instead of a no-fear dog that wants to chase them. It is more safe for a dog to jump to the side of the road and respect the vehicle's space then put himself in danger by chasing it or jumping in front of it. He is not afraid of stationary vehicles so parking lots should be no problem, lol. I made the mistake of letting him sleep for 2 hours [8-10] last night while I was on the computer so the little bugger was up until midnight playing until I could get him to go to sleep in his crate without screaming. My parents have a zero tolerance whining policy so gotta keep those pups entertained and tired out!


  1. whoo hoo, sounds like Zap is off to a great start this morning! You sound like you are really off and running with your training. I have a Hillcrest dog -Cricket (a Rumor/Singe girl) that is 4 1/2 months old and she is awesome, hope you have a ton of fun today with Zap! It will be fun to be able to follow little Zaps progress, he is such a cutie!

  2. Thank you! Do you have any pictures or videos of your pup?
